Welcome to the Generosity Path Podcast – a space for global conversations with people from different walks of life, about the impact generosity has had on them. It’s a place of inspiration, encouragement and – hopefully – joy, as we hear about the transforming power and potential of generosity to change the world. Recorded over Zoom calls, the podcast features interviews between Generosity Path team representatives and members of our global network. These conversations are full of stories which are set to excite and challenge our audience as they consider their own walks of generosity. To find out more, visit generositypath.org, check us out on LinkedIn or join our Facebook group of generous givers from around the world. Together, let’s make the world a better place.

Friday Feb 12, 2021
S.2 Episode 3: Bertie Lourens | Life-changing Generosity
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Bertie Lourens is the Managing Director of Waste Plan which is a national on-site waste management company in South Africa. On this Zoom call with Daryl and J.Paul, he shares his own experience of a Generosity Path retreat and how it altered his perspective, as well as the radical changes he made after facing bankruptcy and a personal health scare. Hear how this has not only shaped his family life but also the way he structures his business, with God now being the majority shareholder. His story is one of profound personal transformation alongside the transformation that generosity has brought to his business and employees.
“We’ve eventually seen that we’ve created a pathway out of poverty in our company... Once a person connects the dots, then we will come alongside them and we will pay for the education that that person desires.”

Friday Feb 05, 2021
S.2 Episode 2: Valentine Gitoho | Sustainable Generosity
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Among Valentine Gitoho's many roles, she is a financial and management professional, the founder of the LEEDS Foundation (addressing capacity gaps on accountability and sustainability), and Director of the African Council for Accreditation and Accountability (AfCAA) that accredits Christian organisations. In this episode, Valentine shares invaluable lessons about integrity and generosity from her prestigious career, as well as inspiring stories about mentoring young entrepreneurs in her home country, Kenya.
“We can see an underlying theme that the Lord has been giving us in this generosity. It’s restoring dignity to people.”

Friday Jan 29, 2021
S.2 Episode 1: Ed Foster | Whole Life Generosity
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Season 2 of the podcast opens with an interview between J.Paul, Daryl and long-term Generosity Path champion and facilitator, Ed Foster. Ed is an emergency medicine doctor based in London, who also voluntarily leads a charity seeking to empower people to share the message of God's generosity with the world's most unreached people. He explains how the thread of generosity has been woven through his life since childhood, and has profoundly informed his decision-making both personally and professionally.
“That for me is the question – not ‘Do I have the right to enjoy these things?’, but ‘Are there others who have more need for these resources which have been put in my hands?’”

Friday Dec 11, 2020
S.1 Episode 6: Remi Sonaiya
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Remi Sonaiya is a politician, educator and writer, and is part of the Haggai International stewardship faculty, engaging non-Western business and ministry leaders on the topic of biblical stewardship. She was Nigeria’s only female presidential candidate in the 2015 elections and is passionate about leadership issues redefining the practices of politics in Nigeria. In the final episode of this season, J.Paul and Remi discuss everything from Remi’s childhood experiences of generosity, through to good governance and the concept of ‘leadership generosity’. For those who’d like to receive Remi’s encouragements on Twitter, she can be found at @oluremisonaiya
“When we talk of generosity it definitely means a largeness of heart; a readiness to enrich other people with whatever resources might be available to you; a concern for others.”

Friday Dec 04, 2020
S.1 Episode 5: Jesus Sampedro
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Jesus Sampedro is a leadership author, professor and trainer, with 15 years’ experience, who is a committed champion of the Generosity Path movement in Central and South America. Prior to his recent move to Oklahoma to become programme director for the Master of Arts in Leadership at Mid-America University, he and his family lived in Venezuela and in Mexico. In episode 5 of the podcast, J.Paul and Daryl interview Jesus over Zoom about how generosity plays out amid the complexities and challenges of life in Venezuela and Latin America more broadly.
“When you think in terms of what should be happening, the logical thing would be that the country would be a beneficiary from the generosity of some other people. But to see that people inside Venezuela are getting excited about spreading that message is something that blows my mind... It’s really beautiful what the Lord is doing.”

Friday Nov 27, 2020
S.1 Episode 4: James Yen and Jonson Sun
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
James Yen is based in Taipei and is part of the GIC Merchant Bank Corp and a prolific entrepreneur who has established businesses all over the world, across multiple sectors, notably including the food and beverage sector which is his passion. Jonson Sun, born in China and now living in Canada, is the Founder and President of GIC Merchant Bank, and is closely involved with a number of philanthropic and faith-based organisations globally. In this Zoom chat with J.Paul and Daryl, James and Jonson explain some of the lessons they’ve learned about generous giving which have informed how they structure their businesses.
“Generosity redeems relationships between people... I see generosity as love in tough situations, so that’s very key. That really helps people rebuild this spiritual link.”

Friday Nov 20, 2020
S.1 Episode 3: Dee Dee Chan and Harry Wind
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Dee Dee Chan is the MD of Park Lane Capital Holdings and the Director of the Seal of Love Charitable Foundation, and Harry Wind is the Director of Business Development for UBP Asset Management in Asia. Dee Dee and Harry are based in Hong Kong and have long been champions of Generosity Path in the Asia region. Over a Zoom call, J.Paul and Daryl hear them share their beautiful testimony of generosity, not only in a business context with their support of next generation philanthropists, but also through radical hospitality in their personal life.
“The fear is that if we give too much away that we won’t have enough... it’s very human to think that. And what I found is that there’s safety, there’s security in giving, because somehow when you give it comes back to you.”

Friday Nov 13, 2020
S.1 Episode 2: Emanuel and Bianca Bistrian
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Emanuel Bistrian has recently taken on the role of International Team Leader for Generosity Path. He is the Founder of European American Investment Group (EAIG) and Founder and CEO of the award-winning company Westfield Development, which he runs with his wife Bianca, revolutionising the Romanian real estate market. The Bistrians also set up the GiveFirst Foundation which aims to catalyse a strategic generosity movement in Romania. In this episode of the podcast, J.Paul Fridenmaker and Daryl Heald discover more about the Bistrians’ inspiring journey of generosity.
“After attending the JOG I was just like ‘Wow, we’re stewards of this. We could do so much more – we should treat our giving as a business where you look for growth every year, you look for impact...’ That was just such a huge transformational piece for us. It changed the trajectory of our lives.”

Friday Nov 06, 2020
S.1 Episode 1: Daryl Heald
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Daryl Heald is the Founder of Generosity Path. For more than 20 years, he has travelled internationally sharing the message of biblical generosity. In the first ever episode of the Generosity Path Podcast, our Field Relations Director J. Paul Fridenmaker interviews Daryl on a Zoom call, about his life and work and what inspired him to begin Generosity Path.
“What we felt like was the most important thing was not where to give or how to give but why to give, and that was the big missing question that was out there... The ‘how’ and ‘where’ becomes more of the tactical and transactional side of giving, and the ‘why’ question traffics in the transformational side.”

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Get a taste of what’s to come in the upcoming 6 episodes of Generosity Path’s brand new podcast. Season 1 will feature international guests sharing inspirational stories of transformational generosity.